My Neck. My Back. My Whole Body’s Out of Wack.
In a matter of 10 months your body shifts dramatically. Every system in the entire body has changed to make space for your growing baby, prepares for delivery, and then recovers to support the life of baby outside of womb. Certain body parts are lifted, others have dropped. Structures have grown and stretched, others have been pressed and condensed.
Can you relate?
It’s no wonder that 50% of women experience back pain and 40% of women report pain with breastfeeding not associated with the breast or nipple (which may include neck, back, shoulder, upper extremity, or wrist pain). There are several reasons why women experience pain during pregnancy and postpartum.
1.Hormonal Changes
During pregnancy there’s an increase in Relaxin, which causes your ligaments and connective tissue to be looser. The plus side is that this hormonal response enables the body to accommodate a growing baby. The downside is that the laxity can be destabilizing for your joints, putting you at risk for injury and pain.
2. Postural Changes
Your alignment and center of gravity changes as your baby grows. This shift creates a larger strain on the spine and back muscles, which can lead to stiffness and pain.
3. Poor Movement Pattern Mechanics
As your posture and positioning changes, so does the way you move. Without consideration to everyday movements, such as bending, lifting, or carrying, stress and muscle imbalances can develop leading to discomfort.
4. Weight Changes
As a pregnancy develops and your baby grows there’s extra weight that your spine needs to be able to support. This is part of why it’s important to be mindful about your postural habits and movement mechanics.
To understand the ‘why’ and the small changes to minimize these issues allows you to be ahead of the curve during the 4th trimester. If you are experiencing persistent pain, you do not need to live with it! Reach out to a pelvic health specialist who can evaluate and treat your needs.
In the meantime, check out my Spinal Flow & Release stretch routine to ease tension and create mobility in what may feel like an unfamiliar body.
*Listen to your body and enjoy! :)